
Sheree Dixon Independent Social Work Services provides a range of Independent social work services. The services include assessments and expert witness reports for court proceedings, direct work, quality assurance and consultancy to local authorities, third sector organisations and law firms. Sheree Dixon supports individuals and organisations through the provision of independent social work advice, consultancy, assessments and bespoke solutions tailored to the needs of your organisation.

About Me

Sheree Dixon is an independent social worker with over 15 years of experience as a practitioner and manager at both operational and strategic level. Sheree’s work has primarily been within Children’s Services with extensive experience in safeguarding, looked after children, leaving care and child disability and transition. Sheree is highly experienced in court proceedings, both within private and public law

Sheree is registered to practice with Social Care Wales and a member of the British Association of Social Workers for Independent Social Work Practitioners.


Parenting Assessments 

An analytical assessment of parenting capacity utilising the Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their families. The assessment will provide a comprehensive analysis of the information obtained and recommendations for further support/intervention.

Viability and Connected Person’s Assessment

A viability assessment is to determine whether a person connected to the child including a family member or friend is suitable to proceed to a connected persons assessment. This assessment is underpinned by the Initial Family and Friends Care Assessment framework developed by the Family Rights Group. In the event of the assessment concluding positively, the next step in the process is the completion of the Connected Persons Assessment. The Connected Person’s Assessment is a comprehensive assessment of the connected person (s) who wish to be approved as foster carer(s) or become special guardians. This assessment utilises the CoramBAAF form C framework.

Special Guardianship Order Assessment

Introduced in the Adoption and Children (2002) Act, Special Guardianship is an Order that places a child in the care of someone other than their parent(s) on a long term basis. This assessment is underpinned by the key principles set out within the Association for Fostering, Kinship and Adoption ‘A Guide For the Offer of Special Guardianship Support in Wales.

Sibling Attachment / Beyond Together or Apart Assessment

Using the CoramBAAF Beyond Together or Apart framework, this assessment will consider the needs of siblings to determine whether they should be placed together or apart in a range of placement settings. The assessment will also consider future contact and therapeutic needs resulting from the conclusion of the assessment.

Contact Assessments

 Utilising the Safe and Meaningful Contact guidelines, this assessment considers information about the child, birth relative(s) and carer(s) to support decision making and inform recommendations for future contact arrangements between looked after children and birth family. The assessment considers how contact can support developmental recovery, assist with healing from past traumatic experiences and promote placement stability to achieve permanency for the child or young person. 


A ParentAssess Assessment is a specialist assessment framework which is particularly effective for parents and carers with additional learning needs and learning disabilities.  The assessment will provide a comprehensive analysis of the information obtained and recommendations for further support/intervention. 

Section 7 Report

Under Section 7 of the Children Act (1989) this report is often requested during private family law proceedings when the court requires further information regarding a child’s welfare to inform decision making when an application for a section 8 order is made by a parent, guardian or person (s) with parental responsibility.

Section 37 Report

Under Section 37 of the Children Act (1989) this report is requested during private family law proceedings when the court has concerns relating to the welfare of a child. The court may direct for a section 37 report to be undertaken to invite the local authority to consider whether it should make an application for a public law order is required.

Form F

This assessment uses the CoramBAAF Prospective Foster Carer (s) Report (Form F) Wales to assess prospective foster carers. This will also include presenting the completed assessment to foster panel and making a recommendation of suitability to foster



Resolutions Model Assessment

This assessment utilises the Resolutions model approach to risk assessment, management and planning where there is alleged and substantiated child abuse which is denied by the parent (s) or carer (s) to support reunification plans.

Cubas Dynamic Parenting Assessment


The Cubas Dynamic Parenting Assessment provides a comprehensive assessment of parenting capacity utilising an evidence based model that supports the process of learning. The assessment can be used for all parents including those with additional learning needs. The assessment will provide a comprehensive analysis of the information obtained and recommendations for further support/intervention.


Pre-birth assessment

This assessment will consider the needs of a newborn child, identify any presenting risks along with the capacity of the parent (s) to care for, and keep the child safe. The assessment will provide a comprehensive analysis of the information and provide recommendations to inform support needs and future planning.


   Other Services

Quality Assurance

Effective quality assurance activity ensures that organisations provide efficient services which maximises resources and promotes long term sustainability and satisfaction. Bespoke quality assurance services are provided to support improvement and development that can be tailored to the needs of your organisation.


Professional Supervision Services

High quality supervision supports the development of practitioners, promotes a stable, skilled and committed workforce whilst improving retention within organisations. Professional supervision service are provided tailored to the needs of the individual practitioner to support identified developmental needs, providing opportunities for reflection and supporting well-being.

 Practice Educator Services

The role of the Practice Educator is to support, supervise and assess social work students currently undertaking their qualification. Students are supported throughout the duration of their placements at all levels. The student will be supervised in accordance with the guidelines from their course provider and supported in accordance wit their identified learning needs. 

 Independent Investigating Officer Services

Investigation officer services are available to support the local authority in fulfilling it’s statutory duties towards stage 2 complaints. This service will provide a thorough investigation, ensuring a fair and balanced approach with independent oversight throughout the whole process.


Family Time Supervision

Supervision of family time arrangements between children, young people and families, This service includes a written report following the session. 

 Statutory Visits

Statutory visits undertaken on behalf of local authorities to children and young people who are subject to child protection plans and looked after. This service can provide support to local authorities to meet statutory requirements to children and young people placed outside of their own count. Following the visit a detailed analytical report will be provided.


Parenting Support

Bespoke support provided to parent (s) or connected person (s) to address areas of identified need, or when there is the need to support the development of skills relating to caring for children and/or young people.